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Finally, the hundredes of world-class shops and restaurants in the heavily-trafficed Grand Central Terminal will have access to true enterprise-grade communication services thanks to Wanderport BusinessONLY . Wanderport has heavily invested in our fiber optic network serving the Terminal, and like our other commercial properties, a redundant network head-end sits at a secured location in the Terminal. Over the coming months, we will be building and expanding our reach throughout...

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This iconic, 800-room Art Deco New York Hotel which first opened its doors in 1931 has gone through many changes throughout its long, rich history. The Hotel Edison has recieved its latest upgrade from Wanderport Networks. Hundreds of next-generation wireless access points from Ruckus Wireless now feed this hotel's corridors and guest rooms a seemingly never-ending stream of high quality wireless internet. The heart of this robust network lies in the core utilizing our...

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Our African subsidiary, Wanderport Africa, has been hard at work on a mission for good to connect hundreds of schools and public utilities to a country-wide private network and the Internet. Utilizing technology from Wanderport Networks such as our WanderBox and disruptive technologies such as Television White Space (TVWS) Software Defined Radios (SDR), Wanderport has completed interconnections between all four regions of the Kingdom Of Swaziland....

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WanderPort Networks has developed WAN acceleration technology which allows multiple dissimilar, low quality circuits to function as one seamless "Super Circuit" to the end user. This technology will be rolled across our entire Global network to all sites with a less then stellar primary internet connection. The end result will be the highest possible internet and VOIP quality to all of our customers not just those with a fancy Fiber pipe!...

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WanderPort has been chosen by the Association of Commercial Building Owners in NYC as the preferred Business Internet Service Provider in the CITY! WanderPort will be expanding into 16 new buildings before the end of the summer please call us at 212-355-5455 to see if your building is on this list. WanderPort Business has also completed a full core-network upgrade in New York City (Manhattan and Queens) and Orlando, Florida, which means increased speeds and better reliability....

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